The benefit of cash for car companies is they give cash for your car on the spot. So if money is tight, and if it’s what you need, then cash for car dealers or car removal services are a better option to go with. If you plan to replace your old car with a new […]
Click here to read more ❱If you’re reading this, you’re probably considering selling your old car. However, there is no one-price-fits-all for an old car in Sydney. There are many factors that can affect its price and depending on who you ask, you’ll get a different offer. With that said, there are ways to help ensure that you get the […]
Click here to read more ❱Metro Car Removal is a Car Removal firm located in Fairfield East. 76-78 Seville Street, to be precise. If you have an old car, an unwanted car, an unroadworthy or unregistered car with no commercial value attached to it, we’d be happy to give you a quote for it. We pay you to cash the […]
Click here to read more ❱Before buying an encumbered car, it is essential to know what it means. In this article we’ll be explaining encumbered cars and the risks associated with them. What Is an Encumbrance? A financial encumbrance on a vehicle means that there is a loan or financing outstanding on the car. The owner may have taken out […]
Click here to read more ❱Metro Car Removal Sydney understands that your old car may be in scrap condition, but you want the best value for the car. Most scrap car owners have the same question in mind: how much can they expect to receive for their scrap car from the wreckers? The short answer is that different factors will […]
Click here to read more ❱Want to know how much is your car worth in NSW? Is there a quick & easy way to get your scrap car evaluated? Yes. There is a way to get a price for your car the same day that you decide to get it off your property. Metro Car Removal can present a quick […]
Click here to read more ❱Weather and road conditions can play havoc on a car. Rainstorms and hail can damage the car. Weather and road conditions do cause damage to a car; and when your car has been damaged, it might make more sense to sell it instead of fixing it. But who’s going to want to buy a water […]
Click here to read more ❱Updated 03/04/2020: This Refund is no longer available. NSW or Sydney motorists were in for a pleasant surprise when the NSW Government announced reforms to the CTP Green Slip scheme, in December 2017. The reform meant that over 4 million NSW motorists were eligible for green slip refunds, ranging anywhere between $10 to $120. The […]
Click here to read more ❱Turn your hail-damaged cars into cash the easy way with Metro Car Removal in Sydney. Whether it’s a ute, truck, car, van or 4×4 with hail damage, we offer up to $9999 cash. Contact us for a quick phone quote. Sydney’s Top Hail Damaged Car Buyer If you have a hail damaged car you could […]
Click here to read more ❱Are you searching for a car removal company to assist you with your not working car? Then you chew over how much money the cost will be? It’s a sensible query, a query that we hear repeatedly from persons that are in the market to purchase something. The same is for people who want to […]
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